2025.10.30-11.1  中国 · 佛山潭洲国际会展中心


2021-10-05 16:46:47

As the countdown is running to the big unveil of the Sustainability Awards 2021, winners, we find out more about Frugalpac’s Frugal Bottle, which is made from 94% recycled paperboard, and the machine that puts it together.

随着 2021 年可持续发展奖的盛大揭幕倒计时,获奖者,我们进一步了解了 Frugalpac 的 Frugal Bottle,它由 94% 的再生纸板制成,以及将它们组合在一起的机器。

Congratulations on being selected by the international judging panel as a Sustainability Awards 2021 finalist! Could you please introduce your successful entry and what’s innovative about it?

恭喜您被国际评审团选为 2021 年欧洲可持续发展奖决赛选手!能否介绍一下您的成功入围以及有哪些创新之处?

Thank you. We’re really pleased to be nominated for Best Machinery for the Sustainability Awards. We’ve achieved an awful lot in the past year and this nomination is the icing on the cake.


Frugalpac is a British sustainable packaging company with a global mission to decarbonise food and drink packaging. We create and supply recycled paper-based products with the lowest carbon footprint that are easily recycled again.

Frugalpac 是一家英国可持续包装公司,其全球使命是使食品和饮料包装脱碳。我们创造和供应碳足迹最低且易于再次回收的再生纸基产品。

In June 2020, we launched the Frugal Bottle – the world's first commercially available paper bottle for wine, spirits and olive oils. The Frugal Bottle was created to help a drinks industry keen to cut carbon emissions and appeal to a new audience of consumers keen on sustainability.

2020 年 6 月,我们推出了 Frugal Bottle——世界上第一个用于装葡萄酒、烈酒和橄榄油的商用纸瓶。Frugal Bottle 旨在帮助热衷于减少碳排放的饮料行业,并吸引热衷于可持续发展的新消费者群体。

The 75cl Frugal Bottle is made from 94% recycled paperboard with a food grade pouch. It’s five times lighter than a glass bottle, uses 84% less carbon and offers 360-degree branding for exceptional shelf stand-out.

75cl Frugal Bottle 由 94% 的再生纸板制成,带有食品级袋。它比玻璃瓶轻五倍,碳足迹减少 84%,并提供 360 度品牌标识,让货架脱颖而出。

The Frugal Bottle, which is comparable in cost to a labelled glass bottle, was designed and developed at Frugalpac’s innovation centre in Ipswich.

Frugal Bottle 的成本与贴标玻璃瓶相当,是在 Frugalpac 位于 Ipswich 的创新中心设计和开发的。

Frugalpac’s business model is to create and supply Frugal Bottle machines for wine producers, co-packers and packaging companies to manufacture the bottles on site, thereby reducing the carbon emissions from the transportation of glass bottles to bottling facilities.

Frugalpac 的商业模式是为葡萄酒生产商、合作包装商和包装公司创造和供应 Frugal Bottle 机器,以在现场制造瓶子,从而减少玻璃瓶运输到装瓶设施的碳排放。


Our Frugal Bottle Assembly Machine (FBAM-1) assembles the Frugal Bottle, a 75cl Bordeaux shaped bottle designed for wine, and similar beverages from input components of pre-printed die-cut recycled paperboard parts, pre-made liner pouches, neck labels and required water-based adhesives.

我们的 Frugal Bottle 组装机 (FBAM-1) 组装 Frugal Bottle,一个 75cl 的波尔多形状的瓶子,专为葡萄酒和类似的饮料而设计需要水性粘合剂。

It can produce a nominal 630 bottle units per hour and has been constructed to deliver continuous operation 24 hours per day x 7 days per week, 49 weeks per year, excluding maintenance requirements.

它每小时可生产标称 630 瓶单位,并且已构建为每天 24 小时 x 每周 7 天、每年 49 周(不包括维护要求)提供连续运行。

What are the environmental challenges in packaging that your entry addresses, and what impact do you hope it will make?


There are several reasons why the Frugal Bottle and the FBAM1 helps drinks brands looking to be more sustainable.

Frugal Bottle 和 FBAM1 帮助饮料品牌寻求更具可持续性的原因有几个。

• It’s lighter. The Frugal Bottle weighs just 83g so it is up to five times lighter than a normal glass bottle, making it easier to carry and lighter to transport.

• 更轻。Frugal Bottle 仅重 83 克,比普通玻璃瓶轻 5 倍,便于携带和运输。

• It’s better for the environment. An independent Life Cycle Analysis by Intertek found the Frugal Bottle, which is made from recycled paperboard with no chemicals, has a carbon footprint up to six times (84%) lower than a glass bottle and more than a third less than a bottle made from 100% recycled plastic. The Frugal Bottle’s water footprint is also at least four times lower than glass.

• 对环境更好。Intertek 的一项独立生命周期分析发现,Frugal Bottle 由不含化学物质的回收纸板制成,其碳足迹比玻璃瓶低六倍 (84%),比玻璃瓶低三分之一以上100% 再生塑料。Frugal Bottle 的水足迹也至少比玻璃低四倍。

• It’s easy to recycle again. Simply separate the plastic food-grade pouch from the paper bottle and put them in your respective recycling bins.

• 易于再次回收。只需将塑料食品级袋与纸瓶分开,然后将它们放入各自的回收箱中。

• It uses less plastic than a plastic bottle. The Frugal Bottle uses up to 77% less plastic. Only 15g compared to a 64g bottle made from 100% recycled plastic. The food grade pouch is a polyethylene metallised polyester laminate, the same material used in bag in box wines. It is recyclable.

• 它使用的塑料比塑料瓶少。Frugal Bottle 使用的塑料最多可减少 77%。与由 100% 再生塑料制成的 64 克瓶子相比,仅重 15 克。食品级袋是聚乙烯金属化聚酯层压板,与盒装葡萄酒袋中使用的材料相同。它是可回收的。

• It stands out. As the Frugal Bottle is made from recycled paperboard, it allows for 360-degree branding across the bottle. No other wine or spirits bottle looks or feels like it, so it stands out on shelf and table.

• 它脱颖而出。由于 Frugal Bottle 由回收纸板制成,因此可以在整个瓶子上进行 360 度品牌宣传。没有其他葡萄酒或烈酒瓶看起来或感觉像它,因此它在货架和桌子上脱颖而出。

• It’s better for wine producers. The Frugal Bottle can be produced in the heart of their bottling facility, offers complete freedom on design and print, is more cost effective to transport while reducing their carbon footprint.

• 对葡萄酒生产商更好。Frugal Bottle 可以在其装瓶设施的中心生产,在设计和印刷方面提供完全的自由,在减少碳足迹的同时运输更具成本效益。

Since launching in June 2020, Frugalpac has enquiries to make 90 million Frugal Bottles and is calling on paper, packaging and co-packer companies to meet the increasing global demand for paper bottles by buying their own Frugal Bottle Assembly Machine.

自 2020 年 6 月推出以来,Frugalpac 已接到意向生产 9000 万个 Frugal 瓶,并呼吁纸、包装和联合包装公司通过购买自己的 Frugal 瓶组装机来满足全球对纸瓶日益增长的需求。

Frugalpac is currently making Frugal Bottles for Cantina Goccia’s range of wines, The English Vine and its No1 white wine, England’s Silent Pool Distillers for its Green Man Woodland Gin, and Scotland’s NB Distillery who have launched the first low carbon AND low alcohol botanical spirit in a paper bottle called School Night.

Frugalpac 目前正在为 Cantina Goccia 的一系列葡萄酒、The English Vine 及其 No1 白葡萄酒、英格兰的 Silent Pool Distillers 为其 Green Man Woodland Gin 和苏格兰的 NB Distillery 制作节俭瓶,他们在一个叫做 School Night 的纸瓶。

We’re also producing Frugal Bottles for sake for Japan, olive oil for Greece’s AEONS, Planet B red wine for Spain’s Bodegas Murviedro and will soon by launching in the US with an American wine brand.

我们还为日本的清酒生产纸瓶,为希腊的 AEONS 生产橄榄油,为西班牙的 Bodegas Murviedro 生产 Planet B 红酒,并将很快在美国推出一个美国葡萄酒品牌。

I’d like to ask you about the broader picture beyond your successful entry. ‘Sustainability’ in packaging is multi-dimensional – both in terms of objectives and challenges. Could you comment on the most important roadblocks you identify from your position in the value chain, and the kinds of solutions you would like to see addressing them (e.g. areas of technological innovation, collaboration, regulation)?


The main issue we’d like to see resolved is sourcing recycled paperboard in the UK.


At present we have to import some from Germany but we’d like to source all of the paperboard here.


I think we’ve proven that there’s a potentially huge global demand for paper bottles and this is a great opportunity for companies from co-packers, to printers and paper and packaging manufacturers to buy their own Frugal Bottle Assembly Machine.


With enquiries to make 90 million bottles, it’s literally a licence to print money!

询问要生产 9000 万瓶,这简直就是印钱的许可证!






包装部落+美狮传媒集团强强联手,倾力为行业发声,开拓无限应用商机,联合创办2021上海国际植物纤维模塑产业展,致力于成为赋能植物纤维模塑全产业链的国际专业展会。在全球禁塑的大背景下,为植物纤维模塑行业构建平台,展示禁塑替代革新方案,彰显无穷环保潜力。与此同时,IPFM Shanghai 2021为植物纤维模塑行业打造各行业应用场景,开拓全域买家商机,涉及餐饮外卖、电子家电、日化美妆、奢侈品、生鲜果蔬、农产品、工业品、医疗卫生、电商快递物流、建材家居、园艺宠物、文创玩具等。

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