Samsung Electronics' eco-friendly packaging for the Galaxy S21 series (left) and eco-friendly, high-resolution monitor packaging (right). Courtesy of Samsung Electronics
三星电子 Galaxy S21 系列的环保包装(左)和环保的高分辨率显示器包装(右)。由三星电子提供
By Kim Hyun-bin
Samsung Electronics has won two awards at the KOREA STAR AWARDS 2021, hosted by the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology.
三星电子在由韩国工业技术研究所主办的 2021 年韩国之星奖上获得了两个奖项。
The company received the "minister prize" from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, for its paper packaging of high-resolution monitors, and it received the "chairperson award" from the Korea Packaging Organization for its Galaxy 21 packaging.
该公司因其高分辨率显示器的纸包装获得了贸易、工业和能源部颁发的“部长奖”,并因其 Galaxy 21 包装获得了韩国包装组织颁发的“主席奖”。
The packaging competition aims to enhance the country's eco-friendly packaging technologies and award companies based on their new technology developments, products and design. The judging criteria put into consideration the Ministry of Environment's standards for recycling and eco-friendly product packaging.
Samsung Electronics has excluded expanded polystyrene (EPS) in the packaging for its 2021 high-resolution monitors. The new packaging uses a corrugated cardboard pulp mold to protect products and even reduces carbon emissions by utilizing recyclable materials for accessories packaging. In addition, the company reduced the number of product components to make them easier both to assemble and to separate for recycling.
三星电子已在其 2021 年高分辨率显示器的包装中避免使用发泡聚苯乙烯 (EPS)。新包装使用瓦楞纸板纸浆模塑(植物纤维模塑)来保护产品,甚至通过使用可回收材料进行配件包装来减少碳排放。此外,该公司减少了产品组件的数量,使它们更容易组装和分离回收。
The tech giant first implemented the eco-friendly "eco packaging" in 2020 that is also capable of being upcycled. Eco-packaging can be reused as small-scale furniture or props.
这家科技巨头在 2020 年首次实施了环保的“生态包装”,该包装也可以升级回收。生态包装可作为小型家具或道具重复使用。
Samsung Electronics has endlessly contemplated ways to simplify its packaging and to implement sustainable processes. The Galaxy S21 series packaging uses paper materials approved by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) as well as easily recyclable, corrugated cardboard to reduce waste.
三星电子持续反复地考虑了简化包装和实施可持续流程的方法。Galaxy S21 系列包装使用森林管理委员会 (FSC) 批准的纸质材料以及易于回收的瓦楞纸板以减少浪费。
In addition, the comprehensive pulp mold design minimizes the size of packaging while excluding the use of plastic materials, thus reducing environmental impact.
As a part of Samsung Electronics' corporate sustainability management practices, the company not only develops eco-friendly materials, but also integrates them in its product development processes. The company plans to continue making efforts to enable consumers to encounter eco-friendly products and packaging easily in their daily lives.
三星在设计产品包装过程中,遵循三项包装设计原则:减少、更换和回收利用,三星Galaxy S系列智能手机包装遵循了这些原则。在环保方面,从使用包装数量到包装环保选材,三星公司始终致力于简化产品包装。
自2016年发布三星Galaxy S7系列手机以来,此后的每一代三星Galaxy S系列智能手机,三星都会开发相应的环保包装,与三星Galaxy S7系列的包装相比,三星Galaxy S21系列的包装中所用塑料仅为前者的4%,每份包装产生的废物减少了49%。并且,三星Galaxy S21系列的包装中所用纸张仅为三星Galaxy S7的58%,相当于每年节省约44802棵树。通过在包装上的环保探索,三星Galaxy S21系列的包装减少了约50%的碳排放量。
在三星Galaxy S9系列的包装盒里首次使用了纸浆模塑(植物纤维模塑)。
对三星Galaxy S10系列和三星Galaxy S20系列来说,捆绑附件的塑料更换为纸制品,同时简化包装结构,盒内所有附件包装托盘整合成一个纸浆模塑托盘。
三星Galaxy S系列中最为环保的产品包装当属三星Galaxy S21系列。包装盒由瓦楞纸板制成,而非传统的硬纸板做成的精品盒,提升了可回收性。
包装部落+美狮传媒集团强强联手,倾力为行业发声,开拓无限应用商机,联合创办2021上海国际植物纤维模塑产业展,致力于成为赋能植物纤维模塑全产业链的国际专业展会。在全球禁塑的大背景下,为植物纤维模塑行业构建平台,展示禁塑替代革新方案,彰显无穷环保潜力。与此同时,IPFM Shanghai 2021为植物纤维模塑行业打造各行业应用场景,开拓全域买家商机,涉及餐饮外卖、电子家电、日化美妆、奢侈品、生鲜果蔬、农产品、工业品、医疗卫生、电商快递物流、建材家居、园艺宠物、文创玩具等。