by Ann Dynehäll
安·戴内哈尔 (Ann Dynehäll)
PULPAC AB 新闻稿,2021 年 7 月 12 日
PulPac and HS Manufacturing Group reveals cooperation in developing sustainable cutting-edge barrier technologies adapted for Dry Molded Fiber.
PulPac 和 HS Manufacturing Group 展示了在开发适用于干法纤维模塑的可持续尖端阻隔技术方面的合作。
PulPac’s “Dry Molded Fiber” is a patented manufacturing technology for the circular economy – using renewable pulp and cellulose resources to produce low cost, high performance, fiber-based packaging, and single-use products. Dry Molded Fiber gives up to 80-90% lower CO2 footprint at similar cost as plastic. It is also up to ten times as efficient as conventional fiber molding invented over 100 years ago. It also eliminates the need for valuable water resources in the defibration process.
PulPac 的“干法纤维模塑”是循环经济的专利制造技术——使用可再生纸浆和纤维素资源生产低成本、高性能、基于纤维的包装和一次性产品。干法纤维模塑以与塑料相似的成本降低了 80-90% 的二氧化碳排放量。它的效率也是 100 多年前发明的传统湿法纤维成型的十倍。它还消除了纤维成型过程中对宝贵水资源的需求。
The goal of the cooperation with HS Manufacturing Group (HSMG) is to refine, develop and test HSMG’s platform of PROTĒAN® barrier technologies for industrial scale application methods, which enable the integration of environmentally friendly hydro- or oleophobic barriers adapted to the Dry Molded Fiber process.
与 HS Manufacturing Group (HSMG) 合作的目标是改进、开发和测试 HSMG 的 PROTĒAN® 屏障技术平台,用于工业规模应用方法,从而能够集成适用于干模压纤维的环保防水或疏油屏障过程。
“PulPac’s development is rapidly progressing, and we see much value in partnering together with other technology leaders throughout the value chain to further empower the transformation to Dry Molded Fiber from Plastics. The Cooperation with HSMG is a driver with exciting solutions coming to the market around sustainable chemicals, barriers, and materials” comments Ove Larsson, Chief Technology Officer at PulPac AB.
“PulPac 的发展正在迅速推进,我们看到与整个价值链中的其他技术领导者合作以进一步推动从塑料向干模压纤维的转变具有很大价值。PulPac AB 首席技术官 Ove Larsson 评论道,与 HSMG 的合作推动了围绕可持续化学品、屏障和材料进入市场的令人兴奋的解决方案。
“We are very pleased to reveal the cooperation with PulPac in co-developing our barrier technology into the DMF-production process. We are proud to be a driving part in sustainable chemistry for this breakthrough production process. It could be the key to cost effectively replace single-use plastics at scale with cellulose-based products – combined with our oil, grease and water barriers aimed to replace plastics and fluorochemicals” comments Kris Burton, COO at HS Manufacturing Group.
“我们很高兴与 PulPac 合作,将我们的阻隔技术共同开发到 DMF 生产过程中。我们很自豪能够成为这一突破性生产过程的可持续化学的推动者。HS Manufacturing Group 首席运营官 Kris Burton 评论道,这可能是用纤维素产品大规模替代一次性塑料的关键——结合我们旨在替代塑料和含氟化学品的油、油脂和水屏障。
The outcome of the cooperation would enable the creation of several types of completely sustainable packaging products with high barrier properties with protection against, for example, grease and moisture. PulPac sees many advantages in the HSMG’s barrier technology portfolio:
合作的结果将能够创造出多种类型的完全可持续的包装产品,这些产品具有高阻隔性,可防止油脂和湿气等。PulPac 在 HSMG 的阻隔技术组合中看到了许多优势:
Sustainable OGR-barrier (Biobased, Biodegradable, Recyclable and Compostable)
Water-barrier with multiple application techniques
Possible to transport at 100% dry content
Combinable and versatile
可持续 OGR 屏障(生物基、可生物降解、可回收和可堆肥)
“HSMG’s chemistry and application methods available shows very promising opportunities to enable good and sustainable barrier properties in Dry Molded Fiber and could especially fit well into packaging and products for the quick service restaurants.” comments Niklas Westerberg, Technical Lead on Chemistry & Material Development (Ph.D.) at PulPac AB
“HSMG 可用的化学和应用方法显示出非常有前景的机会,可以在干模压纤维中实现良好和可持续的阻隔性能,并且特别适合快速服务餐厅的包装和产品。”评论 Niklas Westerberg,PulPac AB 化学与材料开发技术主管(博士)
Roderick Nilsson, CFO;
Ann Dynehäll, Communications;
HSMG Contact;
Greentech Global Contact-
Roderick Nilsson,首席财务官;
Ann Dynehäll,通讯;
HSMG 联系方式;
Greentech 全球联系人-
About HS Manufacturing Group
HSMG® LLC is the eco-tech operation of Greentech Global Pte. Ltd.™ We develop and license our patented additive and barrier coating platform technology, PROTĒAN®, to pulp, paper and packaging manufacturers and specialty chemical companies. We offer water-resistant and/or oil- and grease-resistant alternatives to plastic coatings and fluorochemicals in a broad range of cellulose-based single use products. Formulations made with this platform technology can be recyclable, biodegradable and compostable. To learn more, please visit:
HSMG® LLC 是 Greentech Global Pte. 的生态技术运营商。Ltd.™ 我们开发专利添加剂和阻隔涂层平台技术 PROTĒAN®,并将其授权给纸浆、纸张和包装制造商以及特种化学品公司。我们在广泛的基于纤维素的一次性产品中提供防水和/或防油和防油脂的替代塑料涂料和含氟化学品。使用该平台技术制成的配方可回收、可生物降解和可堆肥。如需了解更多信息,请访问
PulPac provides the packaging industry with a groundbreaking manufacturing technology for low-cost, high-performance fiber-based packaging and single-use products. By pioneering the technology of cellulose molding PulPac enables their customers to replace single-use plastics with a sustainable and cost competitive alternative globally.
PulPac 为包装行业提供突破性的制造技术,用于低成本、高性能的基于纤维的包装和一次性产品。通过开创纤维素成型技术,PulPac 使他们的客户能够在全球范围内用可持续且具有成本竞争力的替代品来替代一次性塑料。
包装部落+美狮传媒集团强强联手,倾力为行业发声,开拓无限应用商机,联合创办2021上海国际植物纤维模塑产业展,致力于成为赋能植物纤维模塑全产业链的国际专业展会。在全球禁塑的大背景下,为植物纤维模塑行业构建平台,展示禁塑替代革新方案,彰显无穷环保潜力。与此同时,IPFM Shanghai 2021为植物纤维模塑行业打造各行业应用场景,开拓全域买家商机,涉及餐饮外卖、电子家电、日化美妆、奢侈品、生鲜果蔬、农产品、工业品、医疗卫生、电商快递物流、建材家居、园艺宠物、文创玩具等。